Untangling the details, Rezence clarifies How Do I Make Condensed Resin 2024: Your Comprehensive Resource
1 Genshin Impact Condensed Resin: How To Get
- Author: gamertweak.com
- Published Date: 10/10/2021
- Review: 4.86 (712 vote)
- Summary: · You will get the blueprint for Condensed Resin in Genshin Impact upon reaching City Reputation level 3 in Liyue. Once you have the blueprint,
- Source: 🔗
2 Genshin Impact Condensed Resin – How To Craft & Uses
- Author: gamewith.net
- Published Date: 12/27/2021
- Review: 4.75 (278 vote)
- Summary: · Step 1: Get Blueprint As Liyue Reputation Reward · Step 2: Use The Blueprint In Precious Item Menu · Step 3: Craft Condensed Resin
- Source: 🔗
3 Original Resin Uses & Condensed Resin
- Author: genshin.gamea.co
- Published Date: 11/01/2021
- Review: 4.46 (440 vote)
- Summary: · In order to make Condensed Resin, you need to get the blueprint first. You get the blueprint by leveling up your Liyue City Reputation to level
- Source: 🔗
4 How to Make Condensed Resin in Genshin Impact
- Author: alphr.com
- Published Date: 07/27/2022
- Review: 4.35 (425 vote)
- Summary: · Get the condensed resin recipe. · Navigate to the “precious items” menu in your inventory. · Find the recipe blueprint and craft condensed resin –
- Source: 🔗
5 Genshin Impact devs promise changes to Condensed Resin limits in next update
- Author: ginx.tv
- Published Date: 12/03/2021
- Review: 4.02 (452 vote)
- Summary: · For all those within Genshin, Condensed Resin allows the players to get Original Resin, which is used to obtain rare in-game rewards by
- Source: 🔗
6 Genshin Impact Resin guide: How it works and how to get more
- Author: pcgamer.com
- Published Date: 11/12/2021
- Review: 3.86 (232 vote)
- Summary: Go to the precious item menu on the far right of the inventory page. You’ll see an option to craft condensed resin when you’ve selected the blueprint . Ingredients for Condensed Resin are: 40 original Resin and 1 Crystal Core. Note that you can only hold three Condensed Resin at once
- Matching search results: The problem with Resin right now is that it’s far too easy to blast through your daily supply in a few minutes and then have nothing to do until it regenerates. If you’ve completed the story and explored most of the map, farming dungeons or bosses …
- Source: 🔗
7 How to Use Condensed Resin in Genshin Impact
- Author: gosunoob.com
- Published Date: 11/26/2021
- Review: 3.72 (274 vote)
- Summary: · To get Condensed Resin in Genshin Impact, visit the Reputation Vendor in Liyue, aka Ms. Yu. When you reach Level 3 with her, you’ll unlock the
- Matching search results: The problem with Resin right now is that it’s far too easy to blast through your daily supply in a few minutes and then have nothing to do until it regenerates. If you’ve completed the story and explored most of the map, farming dungeons or bosses …
- Source: 🔗
8 How to make Condensed Resin
- Author: appgamer.com
- Published Date: 03/26/2022
- Review: 3.5 (469 vote)
- Summary: · Condensed Resin was introduced way back in Version 1.1 as a means of “condensing” 40 original resin into a single consumable that can be used to
- Matching search results: The problem with Resin right now is that it’s far too easy to blast through your daily supply in a few minutes and then have nothing to do until it regenerates. If you’ve completed the story and explored most of the map, farming dungeons or bosses …
- Source: 🔗
9 How to Get Condensed Resin and Effects | Genshin Impact
- Author: game8.co
- Published Date: 06/24/2022
- Review: 3.35 (423 vote)
- Summary: · The blueprint for the Condensed Resin can only be unlocked by raising your reputation level in Liyue. You can raise it by doing quests, Request
- Matching search results: The problem with Resin right now is that it’s far too easy to blast through your daily supply in a few minutes and then have nothing to do until it regenerates. If you’ve completed the story and explored most of the map, farming dungeons or bosses …
- Source: 🔗
10 How to make Condensed Resin in Genshin Impact
- Author: oneesports.gg
- Published Date: 11/21/2021
- Review: 3.17 (265 vote)
- Summary: · How to make Condensed Resin at the Alchemist’s Crafting Bench … Condensed Resin is quite simple to craft, and only requires a few ingredients
- Matching search results: As for bounties, the reputation gain is a bit more complex. Bounties can only be done one at a time and have unique characteristics, where bosses become invulnerable to certain elements. If you happen to overlook the details after accepting, you can …
- Source: 🔗
11 Changes Coming To Condensed Resin In Genshin Impact
- Author: boundingintocomics.com
- Published Date: 04/28/2022
- Review: 2.83 (66 vote)
- Summary: · Genshin Impact developer miHoYo recently announced they will be making changes to the time-limited resource Condensed Resin
- Matching search results: As for bounties, the reputation gain is a bit more complex. Bounties can only be done one at a time and have unique characteristics, where bosses become invulnerable to certain elements. If you happen to overlook the details after accepting, you can …
- Source: 🔗
12 Genshin Impact: Is Condensed Resin worth it, should you condense?
- Author: theclick.gg
- Published Date: 07/29/2022
- Review: 2.76 (176 vote)
- Summary: Condensed Resin is one of the alternative ways to spend your Resin than the usual; directly on bosses, leylines and the like. Instead, Condensed Resin is an
- Matching search results: As for bounties, the reputation gain is a bit more complex. Bounties can only be done one at a time and have unique characteristics, where bosses become invulnerable to certain elements. If you happen to overlook the details after accepting, you can …
- Source: 🔗
13 genshin impact how to make condensed resin?
- Author: whoatwherewhy.com
- Published Date: 04/17/2022
- Review: 2.66 (169 vote)
- Summary: · Once you hit level three reputation in Liyue, you’ll receive the Condensed Resin blueprint as a reward. Go to the precious item menu on the
- Matching search results: Condensed Resin is a consumable that can be created through Alchemy. It can be used to revitalize Ley Line Blossoms from Ley Line Outcrops or Petrified Trees in Domains to receive 2 sets of rewards at one time. Both sets of rewards are random. Reach …
- Source: 🔗
14 How to get, and use, Condensed Resin in Genshin Impact
- Author: gamepur.com
- Published Date: 12/31/2021
- Review: 2.49 (51 vote)
- Summary: · In the case of Condense Resin, you can earn it by leveling up to Rank 3 in Liyue’s City Reputation System. When you hit Rank 3, you will earn a
- Matching search results: Condensed Resin is a consumable that can be created through Alchemy. It can be used to revitalize Ley Line Blossoms from Ley Line Outcrops or Petrified Trees in Domains to receive 2 sets of rewards at one time. Both sets of rewards are random. Reach …
- Source: 🔗
15 Condensed Resin – Genshin Impact – Pro Game Guides
- Author: progameguides.com
- Published Date: 04/15/2022
- Review: 2.49 (75 vote)
- Summary: · To get Condensed Resin in Genshin Impact by leveling Liyue’s Reputation level in the newly added Reputation System
- Matching search results: Condensed Resin is a consumable that can be created through Alchemy. It can be used to revitalize Ley Line Blossoms from Ley Line Outcrops or Petrified Trees in Domains to receive 2 sets of rewards at one time. Both sets of rewards are random. Reach …
- Source: 🔗
16 Genshin Impact condensed resin: How to make them in the game?
- Author: sportslumo.com
- Published Date: 11/21/2021
- Review: 2.47 (95 vote)
- Summary: Players can get the instructions for Condensed Resin by reaching level 3 of the Liyue reputation system. But they should keep in mind that the reputation system
- Matching search results: Condensed Resin is a consumable that can be created through Alchemy. It can be used to revitalize Ley Line Blossoms from Ley Line Outcrops or Petrified Trees in Domains to receive 2 sets of rewards at one time. Both sets of rewards are random. Reach …
- Source: 🔗
17 How to get Condensed Resin in Genshin Impact
- Author: gamerjournalist.com
- Published Date: 03/07/2022
- Review: 2.21 (126 vote)
- Summary: · Reach City Reputation Level 3 in Liyue; Visit a Crafting Bench; Use 1 Crystal Core, 40 Original Resin, and 100 Mora to make 1 Condensed Resin
- Matching search results: Condensed Resin is a consumable that can be created through Alchemy. It can be used to revitalize Ley Line Blossoms from Ley Line Outcrops or Petrified Trees in Domains to receive 2 sets of rewards at one time. Both sets of rewards are random. Reach …
- Source: 🔗
18 Genshin Impact: Using Condensed & Fragile Resins the Best Way
- Author: games.lol
- Published Date: 07/03/2022
- Review: 2.17 (114 vote)
- Summary: · If you finally get to Level 3, you have the option to craft Condensed Resins at the crafting table. The ingredients include 1 Crystal Core, 40
- Matching search results: If you finally get to Level 3, you have the option to craft Condensed Resins at the crafting table. The ingredients include 1 Crystal Core, 40 Original Resins, and 100 Mora to make one Condensed Resin. You can only store 5 Condensed Resins at a time …
- Source: 🔗